We aim to support our community through projects and programs that nourish the spirit, mind and community.
We build inclusive Muslim communities.
That means we don't discriminate or judge. Muslims for Progressive Values aims to provide a safe space for everyone, whether you are a practicing Muslim, a non-practicing Muslim or just curious about Islam. MPV doesn't aim to convert or to enforce any doctrine - but to provide a safe space for spiritual discussion and exploration of the meaning of Islam that will compliment and enhance the lives of Muslims in Australia and around the world.
Canberra, ACT
Meetup Coordinator: Omar Hashmi (CANBERRA MEETUP LINK)
Brisbane, QLD
Meetup Coordinator: Annabelle Miller (BRISBANE MEETUP LINK)
Sydney, NSW
Meetup Coordinator: Ala' Yasin (SYDNEY MEETUP LINK)
Meetup Coordinator: Zahirah Johari (MELBOURNE MEETUP LINK)
Perth, WA
Meetup Coordinator: Alliyah Cornish-Ward (PERTH MEETUP LINK)
There is a noticeable rise in anti-Muslim and anti-Islam views and opinions in the public sphere. This is evident in the rising popularity of political parties running on anti-Islam platforms; in the regular anti-Islam rallies across Australia; in commentary in the media; as well as in anti-Islam posters placed in public spaces.
Much of the sentiment underpinning the rise in ‘Islamophobia’ is based on an understandable sense of fear given the recent spurt of Islamist terrorist activity. However, it is also based on untruths, misunderstandings and a lack of personal engagement with members of the Muslim communities. There is an urgent need for this to be addressed and for people’s fears about the ‘Islamization of Australia’ to be addressed through discussion and demystification.
Project goals:
This is fundamentally an outreach project. The main objective is to provide a forum that will allow the public to discuss and ask questions to members of the Muslim community. The aim is to provide a safe space for discussion and invite questions from the general public.
The ultimate goal is to challenge the perception that Muslims and Islam is something to be feared and that Islamic values and Australian values cannot co-exist.
The Quran Discussion Groups (QDG) is one of our most popular events on the calendar. At these evening meetings, Muslims (and some interested non-Muslims) get together to reflect and discuss the passages in the Quran.
The discussion group is open to all and there is no dress requirement or knowledge requirement. We just ask that you bring an open heart and open mind and that you are respectful to other people's opinions and you contribute your own thoughts and reflections.
In the QDG we are approaching the Quran in chronological order (the order in which it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad -pbuh). This allows us reflect on context and purpose of the passages as well as deepen our understanding of the life of the prophet. This is not a led lecture or class, the facilitator is on the same journey as all the participants.
You can get involved by coming to one of our groups (if there is one in your location) or by becoming a facilitator for a new group.
This is a new program that seeks to provide a space to our community for spiritual reflection.
Muslims believe that Allah has 99 Names. The Quran stipulates that reflecting on these names provides spiritual nourishment:
And to Allah belongs the most Beautiful Names, so turn to Him through the meanings of His names.
At the beginning of each meditation session participants will draw one name from a bowl of the 99 names. then each will sit in silent meditation of the word for 45 minutes. Participants can choose not to draw a name and instead reflect silently on whatever they choose.
At the end of the session participants will have an opportunity to share any inspirations they had.
This format of worship is a fusion of Sufi and Quaker worshipping practices.
MPV is always interested in organising inter-faith and intra-faith events. We are a member of the Yarra Interfaith Network and would be keen to get more involved in interfaith events. If you are interested in supporting inter-faith and intra-faith events please let us know!
Muslims for Life is a project inspired by the Ahamiyyah community in the United States (see: http://www.muslimsforlife.org/)
MPV is looking to partner with the Australian Red Cross to launch an initiative that will encourage Muslims to donate blood.
If you are interested in working with us on this project please contact us to get involved.
We are always keen to collaborate with other organisations to organise lectures and discussions that further our Ten Principles.
We have previously organised lectures and panel discussions at universities but are looking to do more, in particular around issues of gender, LGBT rights and freedom of speech in Islam.
If you are keen to learn more about the upcoming lectures and discussion panels, or would like to work with us on organising an event please contact us.
Do you love books? Are you interested in progressive Islamic thought and Muslim authors (fiction and non-fiction).
MPV is looking for facilitators across Australia who will be interested in running book clubs for our community.
Read in the name of your Lord of created
There are so many wonderful books on progressive Islamic thought, and by progressive Muslim writers who are keen to engage the mind of the Muslim communities with ideas and thoughts that will nourish our spirits.
We already have a number of books available and can help you with setting up the book club and finding people to join. Perhaps there is already a book club in your area. If you are interested please contact us and let us know.
This campaign was the brainchild of campaign artist Peter Drew (www.peterdrewarts.com), who is also responsible for the "Real Aussies Say Welcome" posters that you may have seen around.
There are 1.6 billion ways to be a Muslim
Indeed, each individual Muslim finds his own way to God. Each Muslim has their unique perspective, challenges and experiences that define what it means to be Muslim to them.
We no longer want others to define what it means to be a Muslim. In this campaign we will take back the narrative and stand for each and every Muslims right to be on their own journey.
You no longer will be too Muslim, or not Muslim enough... no longer too modest, or not modest enough... whether you pray this way or that way, or not at all, whether you live with your parents or live with friends or live alone... YOU can be yourself and be Muslim.
If you LOVE this campaign and want to help us get it global please get involved!
One of the fundamental principles of MPV is standing up for freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Without the ability to express ourselves, our thoughts, our ideas and our criticisms we will stagnate (and have stagnated) as a society, and as a result Islam and its practice and belief system will suffer.
To celebrate the people that have put their necks on the line (sometimes literally) to bring us new ideas and to keep our minds active, we plan to host poetry slams.
The purpose of these poetry slams is two-fold:
(1) we want to raise awareness about individuals who are currently incarcerated or in exile for their religious beliefs and expressions
(2) we want to provide a platform for Muslims to engage critically with issues in their community.
If you are interested in helping us organise these open mic events or would like to find out if there is an event near you please get in touch and get involved!
MPV is committed to supporting the LGBT Muslim community. In this project we are working towards building support networks for the LGBT Muslim community by bringing them together intimate and private conversational setting.
We are also committed to supporting LGBT rights in the wider community and encouraging Muslims to address the high levels of homophobia that plague our society. To do this will run public lectures that will present progressive, compassionate and diverse interpretations of sexual diversity in Islam.
If you are interested in attending one of our private and confidential conversation groups or in supporting us in organising the public lectures we will welcome your support and involvement.
After a number of requests from members of our community, we are putting together singles only events that can help open-minded progressive Muslims find other open-minded progressive Muslims.
If you are interested in finding out more about these events or would like to get involved setting up a Singles only event in your area please let us know!
My ijtihad is an initiative by MPV members to compile a corpus of books and articles on progressive Islalmic thought.
This project came about as a result of a sense of frustration that while there were many interesting, knowledgable and important texts that shed light on Islam from a more progressive perspective, these texts were often hard to find.
The project will bring together the books and articles in on website "Myijtihad.org" that will be a one-stop-shop for progressive Islamic thought.
The purpose is to encourage each and every Muslim to go on their own Ijtihad (process of critical reasoning) to find their path to Allah.
Please get involved and get in touch if you are interested in contributing to this important project.
#ImamsForShe is a global MPV-initiative launched in March 2015 to address misogynist interpretations of Islamic scripture and traditions that have led to human rights violations carried out in the name of Islam against women and girls and the sub-human status of women and girls across Muslim-majority countries and within Muslim communities in the West. In spirit of the recently launched #HeForShe campaign by UN Women, the initiative’s purpose is to support and provide solidarity for Imams, Muslim leaders and Islamic scholars who actively advocate for women’s rights, women’s empowerment and gender equality, labeled collectively as #ImamsForShe.
#ImamsForShe is drafting a statement on women's rights in Islam to be circulated among Australian Imams and Sheikhs for endorsement. Please contact us for further details.
Muslims for Progressive Values works with the United Nations to help protect human rights in Muslim majority countries. To learn more about our work read about
MPV is proud to share with you its exclusive podcast series, produced by youth for youth. It provides youth a platform to express themselves freely on all matters that interest them: from music to freedom of expression, from politics to sexual reproductive and health rights and from religion to the arts. Produced by Monica Islam, hailing from Bangladesh, the MPV Podcast Series serve to empower youth and to raise their voice!