Quran Discussion Group
Hello friends!
We are a group of Muslims and non-Muslims who are interested in discussing the message of the Quran in an open, thoughtful and non-judgemental way. We are seeking to explore and deepen our understanding of Islam and the way it is interpreted today through critical engagement with the text.
MPV is an inclusive group, everyone is welcome: muslims, non-muslims, ex-muslims - we don't discriminate or segregate.
You can find a useful translation to the Quran here:
At each session we try to focus on a particular theme or verse to help guide the discussion.
We have been very blessed to have access to Meeting Room 3/Activity Room 1 at Kathleen Syme Library, Carlton every second Tuesday of the month this year.
Entry via $2 gold coin donation to help pay for the space.
Hope to see you there!
peace & unity